We put out our latest single “Getting Used to the Feel” and KUTX picked it up for their Song of the Day feature:
“Getting Used to the Feel” maintains that Tame Impala quality we gushed about last June, but slows its roll and finds Galis’ vocals in a more spacious arrangement, which totally makes sense in the context of its immediate post-COVID ‘return to normalcy’ penning.” – KUTX Song of the Day

Our release show is on May 16 at Mohawk Austin and here’s what we wanted you to know.
If you’re reading this, it means you might be interested in our show. I don’t know if it was our music, our band name, or maybe the photo of 4 guys in coveralls in front of a porta potty that got you here, but we’re glad to have you. We want you to know one thing: if you decide to come out to our show and spend your hard earned money on seeing us, you’re gonna have a good time. Our show is dancey, sexy. There are guitar solos. There’s a slime green bass. There are harmonies. It’s a scene, man. Above all else, you’ll hear some damn good tunes. If you asked us what our goal is when we play a show, it would be this: at the end of the night on the ride home, we want you to be thinking “Damn, I really wanna start a band.”
– genuine leather